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 Greetings to the Daughters of VA Desert Conference of Constituent Courts! 


It is with great pleasure and gratitude that I extend my warmest welcome to each and every one of you.  I am honored to express my heartfelt appreciation for your dedication, commitment, and unwavering support to this organization.


Together, we form the backbone of this organization, and it is through our collective efforts, passion, and vision that we continue to thrive and achieve remarkable milestones. Each member brings a unique set of talents, perspectives, and experiences, enriching our community and propelling us forward on our journey toward excellence.


As we embark on this chapter together, let us reaffirm our shared values of integrity, collaboration, and innovation. Let us strive for inclusivity, fostering an environment where every voice is heard, and every contribution is valued.

In the days ahead, let us embrace challenges as opportunities for growth, and let us celebrate our successes, no matter how big or small. Together, there is no limit to what we can accomplish.


I encourage each of you to actively engage, collaborate, and make the most of the myriad opportunities that lie ahead. Our organization is only as strong as its members, and I have every confidence that with your continued dedication and passion, we will reach new heights of success.


Thank you for being an integral part of our organization. I look forward to our collective journey ahead and the countless achievements that await us.


Warmest regards,

HPIC Cassandra Barnes (224)



HPIC Cassandra Barnes (224)
Imperial Deputy for the Desert of Virginia

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